What's love got to do with it?

By Rupert Bonington
February 14, 2020
Valentines, a time of love, chocolates and big meals…
Well it’s a little more than that…
It can actually form part of your training plan.
Well it does of for me anyway.
I’m often seen racing around Keswick the day before Valentines, in card shops desperately trying to find the cheapest card, that doesn’t look like the cheapest card…
This is no time for level 3 zone training, this is eye balls out, full throttle, heart pumping intervals bewteen the shops.
But that’s just half the battle, it now moves onto flowers or chocolate… generally chocolate wins as I can eat that… is it also wrong to buy my favourite chocolate?
Come on, I’ve got a serious calorie deficit with all that running so need to replenish!
The night before Ann tells me she has a Valentines surprise for me…

Yes, that’s what I’m thinking too, can’t wait!
Come Valentines day morning I’m pretty pleased with myself, my card costs a quid, I got my favourite white Lindt chocolates for Ann and I even managed to pen a romantic few lines that she could decipher in the card.
I totally forgot about the surprise and I think the day couldn’t get any better…
Ann leaves for work.
I then get a call from her…
It’s heavy breathing, whey hey, is this leading up the surprise…
Check out facebook she says… “I’m thinking, bloody hell Ann, is this not a bit public!”
She has to go, she’s late for work…
And there she is, left hot and sweaty and what a treat.
She’s only gone and run around Castlehead, in her work clothes and made me a Strava art heart! Now that’s love…

Got to admit, I’m feeling a bit guilty, the Chocolates were on two for one, I only gave her one and ate the other box myself!
Happy Valentines folks… and if you do need to replenish any of that energy… shop now



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