Andi Mai - Trail and Ultra Runner

By Rupert Bonington
March 04, 2017

Andi Mai Ultra Runner

Age: 41 years
Country: Germany, Saarland

It all started 4 years ago, when a work colleague registered us at the Fishermansfriend Strongman Run. After that, the Tough Mudder followed, I quickly realized that running in off road is much more fun than just on the tarmac. I originally came from mountain biking, as a teenager I was at many races in Germany.
After I had had my first real experiences at smaller trail running races, I dared to enter my first Ultra in 2014.

Andi Mai Ultra Running

I was fascinated by this sport and announced my first alpine run, the Swiss Iron Trail 2015 over 91k.
In 2016, in France, the Petit Ballon over 52k followed as a good entry into the season. In June 2016 I then made my first 100k at the Zugspitz Ultra in Garmisch Partenkirchen, here I was be quite surprising 11 in my class and 36th overall.

Andi Mai Trail Runner

Absolute highlight in 2016 was the UTMB with which I entered the TDS over 119k and was 63rd Finisher I was delighted as this achieved my goal in this tough race. Then followed the 1.Saarschleife Trail over 60k, where finished 3rd.

I can only say I look forward to the 2017 season !!!

Planned events 2017
– Transalpine Run
– Transilvania ultra
– Eiger Ultra
– Samoens Trailtour

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